Leslie V. Erickson

Fire Captain

January 29, 1989

Cardiac Arrest

Les Erickson realized his lifelong dream of becoming a fire fighter in 1968 when he joined the Ventura County Fire Department.

He loved every aspect of his job but he especially enjoyed being an engineer. He was nicknamed Mr. Clean for bringing in his own towels because he thought the ones at the department left minute scratches in the paint. He spent hours under the engines, helping other firefighters trace hydraulic lines and encouraging them in their testing.

Les left his mark by helping to design the department seal and doing the gold leafing on the department fleet. Les was called an Engineer in his eulogy and was promoted to Captain some years before he died. Aside from his job, Les loved traveling, camping and boating with his family. He often remarked that he had a perfect job. Not everyone is lucky enough to work at something they love and get paid for it.